On June 6, the ECB announced its interest rate decision and held a press conference.

The ECB Governing Council said that the ECB has "plenty of room" to ease interest rates,

thus moving it towards a neutral level of 2%-2.5%.

The market generally believes that

the ECB will be one of the first major central banks to cut interest rates.

The ECB has also previously released a clear signal that it will cut interest rates at its June meeting,

said that the possibility of consecutive interest rate cuts at the June and July meetings should not be ruled out.

Inflation pressure in the eurozone still exists, but the inflation rate is falling faster than that in the United States.

The overall wage growth trend points to a slowdown, and an appropriate interest rate cut is entirely feasible.

The ECB's large interest rate cut ahead of the Fed's large interest rate cuts

boosted the market's optimistic expectations for the prospect of loose funds.

The above content is for information sharing only and does not constitute any investment advice.

Investment is risky, so be cautious when entering the market!

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