PEPE's 4th line can be viewed this way.

We just mentioned the view of the daily line, now we narrow it down to the 4th line to take a look. When the price drops sharply (after the market calms down), panic selling all the way to the lowest point of 0.1313 (there are too many 0s in front, please allow me to omit it) stops falling, which means that this When the big market realizes, oh, this price is too low, buy it quickly.

The lowest point after that did not exceed this 0.1313, and there was still an increase, with small increases and small decreases. We can judge from this that this 0.1313 is likely to be the lowest price caused by excessive panic in the market. The lowest point after each decline is higher than 0.1313, and it rises and falls to the moving average (average price).

To change the analogy, today an egg costs 1 yuan, and one day suddenly an egg costs 2 yuan. The market is afraid that eggs will be more expensive in the future, so it buys like crazy, resulting in an egg costing 5 yuan. After the market calms down, it realizes, shit. The best eggs can be sold for 5 yuan each, so you stop buying them or even start selling them like crazy. After massive selling, the price dropped to 0.5 yuan per piece. People who have been eating eggs for a long time know that for so many years, eggs have been priced at 1 yuan each. So, what do we do? $PEPE #pepe