If you can understand and absorb this knowledge point, you will avoid a lot of unnecessary selling, and then increase more accurate staged low-level bottom-fishing.

During the rising process, especially during continuous rising, if you suddenly encounter a large decline in volume, will you run away?

It can also be analyzed from the perspective of the dealer.

The price of the currency starts from the dealer entering the market and starting to rise with a small volume, attracting leeks to follow. After rising for several consecutive days, it suddenly shrinks one day and the decline is huge:

1. First of all, the large decline in volume indicates a high degree of unity in selling;

2. Is it possible that the high degree of unity in selling is due to the sudden concerted efforts of retail investors? Selling at the same time?

3. The sudden concerted efforts can only mean that the banker did it deliberately;

4. Deliberate short selling is to confuse retail investors to quickly throw away their chips, so that the banker can pick up low-priced chips and continue to pull up;

5. On the contrary, if the sudden decline is large and the market continues to fall, then the banker invested a lot of money just to attract a small wave of retail investors after the start, and then rushed to ship? There are too few leeks to cut, so what is he looking for?

So, during the rise, especially during continuous rise, if there is a sudden decline in volume, should you run?

Definitely not, if there is a position available, you should also increase your position at the low point of the market crash!

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