A former OpenAI employee published a 165-page document with predictions based on his experience and knowledge of internal AI development.

Here are some significant quotes from his article:

1) The emergence of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) by 2027 is quite realistic. AGI is an AI capable of performing any human-level intelligent task with the same versatility and adaptability.

2) AGI is the most important geopolitical resource. Every country strives to be the first to acquire AGI, just like they once had the atomic bomb.

3) Creating AGI will require a single $1 trillion computing cluster, similar to the one Microsoft is building for OpenAI. This cluster will consume more electricity than the US. 4) Funding for AGI will come from large technology companies - Nvidia, Microsoft, Amazon and Google are already committing $100 billion to AI every quarter.

5) By 2030, annual investment in AI will reach $8 trillion. These costs and changes are comparable to the Manhattan Project and the Industrial Revolution.

6) AGI is just the beginning. After its creation, the transition to ASI (superintelligence) will occur almost instantly. AGI will be so smart that it will be able to improve itself, and this will happen very quickly.

Everything that happens has a clear plan planned for many years to come.

And all appearances of both #Bitcoin and #Ai come down to one simple result:

A digital world state controlled #ASI with a financial #Crypto system that people themselves will want to accept…..

NWO is close...