If you want to get results in this circle, don't think too complicated.

You can think more simply, 70% of the warehouse, and arrange the spot in the bear market.

In the bull market, 30% of the warehouse, learn a trading system, and make steady profits. Remember to learn four words, called moving stop loss.

For small profits, bring a small moving stop loss, and for large profits, talk more about the profit space, so that you can achieve continuous intraday cash flow,

And what do you do with the cash flow you earn during the day?

Go to invest in your spot in batches and continue to get the bull market.

Then it is very simple to cross the bull and bear markets. Remember to clear the spot at the end of the bull market,

Then focus on studying your system, so that you can get rewards whether it is a bull or a bear market,

So this sharing is very casual and casual, but it is very practical and worth your serious analysis.

At this stage, we are all planning some good currencies. If you don’t know how to plan, you can use this as a reference.

In a bull market, if you don’t know how to do it, click on my avatar and see Zhuye Jinlan.

I hope our encounter is friendly.

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