In the currency circle, there is a biggest feature, what is it?

It is easy to have a sharp rise and fall, which can easily cause excessive leverage in a stage, and then there will be a large leverage, which will cause all the shrinking market and a sharp dive.

In fact, what is its only advantage in the loss stage?

That is, your unwinding speed will be very fast, and it may be unwinded immediately in just a few months.

But in some markets, you may never be unwinded.

I think the biggest charm of this currency circle is that it is in the bull market cycle, but the premise is that it is in the bull market cycle.

In fact, the bull market cycle is two years from the lowest price to the highest price, and the acceleration time is in the last year.

I can share a cycle with you. The cycle of the production reduction day is counted as one year. Those who understand it will understand it. Understand this time node well.

At this stage, some good currencies are being laid out. If you don’t know how to lay out, you can come as a reference.

If you don’t know how to do it in the bull market, click on my avatar and see Zhuye Jinluan.

I hope our encounter is friendly.

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