
Hi! I’m Bird Uncle🦜, I have nothing to do, so I’ll share some stories about the cryptocurrency circle with you, just as a chat

I believe that many people who just came to the cryptocurrency circle were attracted by the stories of overnight wealth in the cryptocurrency circle. Of course, Bird Uncle is no exception. Bird Uncle entered the cryptocurrency circle because he accidentally saw a teenage boy on Weibo who made tens of millions of yuan a day by contract trading. Yes, that boy was Liang Xi. Bird Uncle thought he was so awesome at the time, he could make so much money overnight, of course Bird Uncle didn’t know that he had already blown up his position.

Coincidentally, a good friend was buying Dogecoin at the time. I vaguely remember that it seemed that Lao Ma said that he wanted to bring Dogecoin to the moon, and then my friend pulled me to buy the first virtual currency in my life - Dogecoin - on the exchange. I remember that Dogecoin was around 0.6u at the time, and everyone was clamoring to get 1u. Then Bird Uncle went crazy at the time and bought about 1000u of Dogecoin. . . He kept it for a long time. . . Then there was no more.

I remember very clearly that the May Day in 2021 was extremely hot, and the whole of Shanghai was extremely hot. I stayed at home with the air conditioner on, and after reading the story of how the mat became rich overnight, Psy officially started his web3 journey.

To know what happened next, please listen to the next episode