BNB Breaks Highest Value in History, Impacting Meme Coin Value WHY

According to Odaily, BNB, a popular cryptocurrency, has hit a historic high. This development significantly affects the value of the WHY Meme coin on the BSC chain. A savvy investor, identified with the account @ai_9684xtpa, has made a floating profit of $1.07 million from his investment in WHY.

Between April 25 and May 2, investors spent 238.2 WBNB, equivalent to $150,000, to purchase 84 trillion WHY units. The average cost of this unit is only $0.0000000176. With BNB's breakthrough to new highs, WHY's value skyrocketed by 349%. The investor then diversified his tokens across three different addresses and spent an additional 8.1 WBNB to purchase 2.28 trillion more tokens. This makes the average carrying cost $0.0000000178 per unit.

Even though WHY's value has increased significantly, investors have not sold their holdings for a profit. Its current floating profit stands at $1.07 million, representing a return on investment of 595%.