From Twitter--Feng Wuxiang On the current situation of rubbing hair!

I finally entered the industry, spent money and time, but I still have to be witched?


Still have to beg and lick?


Still have to look at the mother's face?


Then I will be a beggar on my knees?

So what you said, rubbing hair is really a beggar on his knees. That's it, how many people want to kneel but can't do it?

I ask you, why do I want to rubbing hair?

Shake my head

I just can't kneel down.

So you want to make money standing up, then go back to screwing.

Hey? I don't understand this, I have already rubbed the airdrop, how can it be worse than screwing?

In the eyes of outsiders, you are an airdrop hunter, but in the eyes of the project party, you are a beggar on your knees. Making money, business, not shabby.

Shabby. Very fucking shabby!

So do you want to stand, or make money?

I stand, and I make money.

(Shakes head) I can't make money.

Can't make money? (Slams Solana on the table) Can you make money playing MEME?

Yes, but standing, with risks.

(Takes out ETH) How about this?

Yes, but kneeling

How about this plus this?

May I ask who you are, big brother?

I am Feng Wuxiang. #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布 #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓