@Everyone 6.5 Wednesday BTC ETH trend analysis and operation suggestions

Current price of Bitcoin is 70750, current price of Ethereum is 3805. We made some mistakes in yesterday's operation, and lost 2000 points of profit, but there is not much problem if we don't lose money. The trend is still the expected trend, and the spot has also begun to have certain profits! At present, Bitcoin has reached 70000 and continues to consolidate above 70500. The remaining spot positions here just need to wait for a breakthrough. The shock has lasted too long, and the contracts are basically not held. We can only wait for the spot to be out of the game and then lay out the next wave. The spot here continues the previous strategy. The blogger rarely operates leverage recently, so he rarely guides everyone. There will be more later, don't worry, my friends! Then the current Bitcoin weekly line has an obvious trend of breaking through, and we can wait until the expected target position to clear the position! Then the Bitcoin daily line, the trend here will basically end around next week, and then we will focus on the high point after the daily divergence accelerates to operate! As for the last contract, since Bitcoin has already reached above 70,000, as usual, don’t chase too much. It’s a bit of a pity that we had more than 69,000 orders yesterday. It’s not a problem to find an opportunity to eat a few thousand points later! Bitcoin’s short-term pressure level is 72,000 74,100, and the support level is 69,500 68,000.

Then on Ethereum, the synchronization rate between Ethereum and Bitcoin is very low, and the trend is not as strong as Bitcoin. It should be that the previous breakthrough is too strong and we need to wait here! The trend of Ethereum will also assist us in predicting the later operations! So at present, when Ethereum is oscillating and Bitcoin is independent, we just need to hold the spot, including the small coins arranged in the previous layout! This will make a profit later! Ethereum’s short-term pressure level is 3845 3930, and the support level is 3725 3645#山寨季何时到来? #bnb历史新高 #BTC走势分析