Can you enter the cryptocurrency world with 5,000 now?

To be honest, you can enter the cryptocurrency world even if you buy 100 yuan. It doesn't hinder you from making money at all.

If you invest 5,000 and make 10 times, it's actually not difficult. I just don't know how much time you plan to give. Or in what form.

The method of hoarding coins. Then you can buy half of BTC and ETH now, and it is basically possible to make 10 times when the bull market comes. There is no need to add any leverage. It's just that your 5,000 has become 50,000. It shouldn't improve your life much. You are still the same you.

If you say that you use 5,000 to buy a copycat, the probability of success is very low, but once it succeeds, it may be dozens or hundreds of times. But the probability of your choice may be 0.0001. Then it can be concluded that your expected rate of return is 0.0001*10000% (100 times) = 10%

But if you choose BTC, then 10 times of 100%.

The expected return is 1000%.

Many people have the illusion that cheap altcoins rise fast and rise a lot. But please don't forget a premise. You have to have the ability to choose.

In the last round, ask the people around you who have eaten from beginning to end, who has chosen and who has eaten. It is a very small probability.

Why do the smartest institutions choose BTC and ETH with 90% of their funds? But you choose other altcoins, so are you smarter than them? Do you have more information than them? If not, then it's just guessing and taking a gamble. Since you're taking a gamble, I have nothing to say. Of course, you may win.

You can listen to my advice. This is how I operate.

I run my own business and I spend money very frugally.

Almost 80% of all the money I earn. I have converted it into coins. For example, if I earn 10,000 today, I will keep 2,000 for emergencies and buy all 8,000 coins. I buy BTC. This is what I do. I don’t care whether the coin falls or not, because I don’t need to rely on coins to live now. I am satisfied as long as I see the number of coins increasing. Many people can’t do this. It is difficult for people who have not gone through 2 cycles to do what I do.

Treat coins as money, and coins are greater than money. Since I can do this, I am naturally not afraid of ups and downs. I will also honestly respect my values ​​and choose digital assets such as coins.People say I'm stupid, poisoned, and brainwashed. It doesn't matter anymore. I don't bother to tell people how much I made from buying coins and why I'm interested in Chinese coins.

They are still stupidly saving money to buy houses and cars. I just buy coins. They think I'm stupid. But I think they don't understand me. Many people don't understand my behavior. But people in the coin circle who have been in it for 2 cycles understand me.

A high-quality circle can get information to go further. Get the latest market analysis, I will take you ashore,

Wu Chang Jin👗Wealthbeauty1114

People who understand what I said must be those who make money, those who make money by time and hoarding coins, not those who play contracts by luck.

Since I can do this, and the method is very simple, then you can do it too. But the premise for you to do it is that you must have a correct worldview of the coin circle.

If you can accommodate this worldview, it will be really easy for you to buy coins. Anyway, you will buy it when the time comes and you will buy it when you have money. Although there is not much money in the bank card, you are super satisfied and confident in your heart, because you can tell yourself without a doubt that in the near future, you will be a rich man. Because buying coins has made life simpler, I usually read books, exercise, and watch movies.

I write my feelings to you. My writing is not very good, and my expression is not very fluent. But I am very happy that I can share these views with you. Whether you agree or not, I now know that it is the right view. I will not say what I have not done, and I will tell you about it when I have done it.

Investment will not disappoint those who wait attentively. Only those who have money but do not spend it are truly rich people. This sentence sounds magical. But life is still as simple as mine. I saw so many moves mentioned by the brothers downstairs. To be honest, can you practice them?

Just buy, only buy and don’t sell, buy and don’t move, just buy when you have money. Sell in the bull market. It’s that simple. There are so many tricks, it’s useless. Just like Murong Fu knows so many martial arts, but still can’t beat Qiao Feng and Duan Yu who is half-baked. It is enough for a person to do one thing well.

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If you are not good at screening strong coins, I suggest you follow me.Especially in the spot market, a little action may bring unexpected gains. Opportunities are fleeting and must be seized! Success does not depend solely on luck. Wise choices are more important than hard work. The circle you are in also determines your destiny. In the currency circle, in addition to having keen insight, you must also keep up with excellent teams and outstanding leaders. Follow me, and you are halfway to success in the currency circle!