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※Look at the previous article at 4 a.m. on the 4th. There were multiple owners on the 4th. Later, we saw that it rose to 70,999.

As mentioned before, we are still waiting to see how the 10,000-point empty owner may draw the door on the 5th. If the 5th door draws just returns to the original point or does not draw the door, we should pay attention to the fact that there will be multiple owners to set a new record high. 73777 possible. However, the time here needs to be changed on the 6th.

——Future (Follow-up):

★At present, June is actually a very important fortune event. In April, we began to talk about events that seemed to be related to the global financial war in June.

As mentioned above, for the 5-day 10,000-point empty master, it is actually not that important whether it moves or not. If it moves, move it. If it does not move, it doesn't matter. If... due to theft and counterfeiting, the second half of the group will not be released temporarily. If you need it, please search and subscribe by yourself.

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