Regarding the issue of users' funds being taken away from Binance accounts by counter-trading, I would like to share my personal opinion.

🔸First of all, there is no security issue with Binance. The user's account funds were counter-traded because of the use of malicious plug-ins.

How to understand here: that is, there is trading permission, but no withdrawal permission. If you do not download some unknown plug-ins, this kind of thing will not happen. It is like your wallet has authorized certain applications without leaking the private key. Your wallet may not belong to you for a long time. It means the same thing. $BNB

🔸If there are users who have bound the API and have not used it for a long time, remember to unbind and delete it.

This is just a simple case of blaming the neighbors for not being able to give birth to a son, and blaming the toilet for not being able to poop. Don't believe in rumors! #BNB