Odaily Planet Daily News Former FTX executive Ryan Salame has been posting on X almost every day after being sentenced to 90 months in prison. He wrote last Sunday: "Are we at a critical moment in the cryptocurrency cycle (lenders even allow you to borrow billions of dollars against ham sandwiches)?" Four lawyers said that the former FTX executive's decision to speak on social media after being sentenced was "unusual." However, they added that the legal risks of Salame making public comments were smaller than the risks he faced by taking action before the verdict. Neither Salame nor his lawyer immediately responded to requests for comment. (DL News) Earlier in late May, Ryan Salame hinted that he would write a book. His X account posted a post after nearly two years of silence and wrote: "hot damn, this is going to get interesting quickly (great, this will soon become interesting)", which seemed to imply that he was ready to talk about the story of the FTX exchange. In addition, Ryan Salam wrote in his last tweet: "It's really useful to know who your friends are! It's great to grow with them for a long time. If you can put aside these crazy ideas, you can really figure out who cares about customers and who doesn't care about customers."