Google has published a research report on “Next Generation Artificial Intelligence and Privacy” with many recommendations to protect privacy in the era of artificial intelligence, while promoting the application of this technology. serve social interests.

The strong development of new generation artificial intelligence (AI), especially large language models, brings great benefits to social life, but also poses many new challenges in terms of security. protect privacy. Fully aware of this, Google has published a new research report on "New Generation Artificial Intelligence and Privacy", proposing effective privacy protection solutions for AI applications, and affirming committed to promoting the application of this technology to serve social benefits.

The report emphasizes the importance of designing AI products with security features and protecting user privacy from the start. Google makes recommendations on appropriate policies, helping to address privacy issues while exploiting the full potential of AI.

Google believes that applying privacy principles right from the design stage (privacy-by-design) is a key factor in AI development. Instead of focusing on overcoming risks after AI is developed, Google recommends building a comprehensive framework, including clearly established security and privacy principles throughout the process. develop and deploy AI applications.

Besides, Google also mentioned two important stages in the AI ​​development process: training and development, and application for users. During training and development, personal data such as names or biographical information make up only a small but important portion of the model training dataset. This data helps the language model learn how to use language and understand abstract concepts about the relationship between people and the world around them.

However, at the user application stage, privacy risks are higher. Issues such as personal data leakage and loss of control over personal information may occur. Therefore, Google recommends focusing on designing strong security measures at this stage, including features such as output filtering and automatic data deletion, to minimize risks. latent.

Google also affirms that AI can not only help reduce privacy risks but can also play an important role in improving information security for users. Privacy-enhancing technologies such as synthetic data and differential security are being researched and developed, promising to bring many benefits to society without having to reveal personal information.

Google emphasizes the role of collaboration among stakeholders in promoting responsible AI development and protecting privacy. Privacy policies need to be flexible, adapt to technological developments and ensure a balance between protecting privacy with other fundamental rights and social goals.

Google's research report is a testament to the interest and efforts of technology developers in solving privacy issues in the AI ​​era. With the solutions and recommendations provided, Google hopes to contribute to promoting the development and application of AI in a responsible way, bringing benefits to society while protecting the rights of users.