Let me talk about the crazy operations this year. I bought pepe at about 0.0000011, and then it fell to 0.0000009. Now it is 0.000014, and the high point is 0.000016, which is about 13 times more. But because I bought 10,000u at that time, I sold it when it rose to 0.0000014. I rarely buy meme coins, and even if I buy, it will not exceed 2000u. Buying 10,000u is still a lot for me. In the end, I sold it after a big positive line rose, and I made less than 30%.

My thighs are swollen now.

Later, I bought a lot of altcoins, basically 1500u, because I knew that I couldn’t hold on if I bought too much, including buying NOT at 0.005+, which also doubled the cost. I kept the profit, and I also made a profit in the past two days, making about 2500u. I bought it at 0.0053, and it fell to around 0.0045.

BB, I still hold it now. I bought it at 0.42 and it has dropped to 0.31.

I bought saga at 2.82 and it has dropped to 1.9.

ETH is not to be mentioned. It is bought by mainstream coins with big funds. They built positions at 2850-2950. At that time, Bitcoin kept rising, but it did not move. A lot of people said that ETF was dead and would drop to 2300. But I predicted in advance that ETF might pass, and I kept replenishing and urging everyone to hold it.

In general, I didn’t copy the real bottom, but I could hold it. The only one who couldn’t hold it was pepe.

Including arb, op, matic, many altcoins are still losing money.
