In today's era of investment boom, everyone is eager for the legendary story of getting rich overnight. When you see those "cryptocurrency masters" on the Internet who claim to have easily made tens of millions of yuan with only a few thousand yuan of capital, have you ever been excited and imagined that you can become the next lucky person? However, reality is often much crueler than dreams. When you are full of expectations, you find that you are the fish that is hooked and finally slaughtered!

From a few thousand to tens of millions of cryptocurrency investment experts?

In Hangzhou, an investor named Mr. Zhu read an article on a certain website. The author claimed that he had earned tens of millions of yuan through investment with only a few thousand yuan of capital. Mr. Zhu was deeply attracted by the article and had a strong desire to invest. He added the other party's WeChat without hesitation and began to follow this "master" to invest.

Bear 50% of the principal loss and take 70% of the profit?

Human nature is being controlled! When you see that the other party can bear the loss, and you can ask for 70% of the profit, don’t you feel bold and magical? After all, if you dare to make such a promise, you must be sure? And when you follow the other party’s order and start to make a profit, are you hooked? If this is not a great god, then what is it? It is definitely an angel, saving yourself from losses.

Change the chat software! Start preparing to kill the pig!

When you start to trust them, they will ask you to change chat software and go over the firewall to access the Internet, because it will be difficult to get evidence. Have you ever thought about this?

In order to gain your trust, they even met you in real life and let you see the master driving Tesla Modely. Would you trust them more? Would they continue to increase their investment? I believe many people would, because after all, they are in China and cannot escape. What is the result?

The great god lets you go all in! Takes you to fly?

When you are full of expectations and bet at all costs, what you are waiting for is that all your positions are blown up! Then you are asked to continue to recharge new funds and let him operate, and recharge into his account. Of course, he also said that you can sign an agreement.

If nothing unexpected happens, an accident will happen, forcing you to keep investing. It is impossible to get back the previous losses. In just less than a month, Mr. Zhu lost more than 600,000 yuan, and then he realized that he might have been deceived.

During this process, Mr. Zhu tried to communicate with the "master" many times, hoping to find a solution to the problem. However, the "master" always shirked responsibility for various reasons and even refused to meet with Mr. Zhu. It was not until the end that Mr. Zhu realized that he had been deceived and that the investment myths that once moved him were nothing more than a carefully designed trap.

Do you have any way to deal with them now? No! Because all your software is from abroad, and it is illegal to speculate in cryptocurrencies. How can you reason with them?

Big Vs in the cryptocurrency circle and cryptocurrency exchanges set up a scheme to defraud retail investors!

Most of the big names on Huhu rely on PS to achieve a leap in wealth. They find some pictures and then PS them to become their own accounts. Do you think you really make money? Is it that the billionaires are going to take you to fly? Don't be a little cutie. You are the secret to their wealth, and they become their money by robbing you. Do you think the currencies you invest in are really valuable? Most of them are set up by big Vs and united currencies. By betting against you, your loss is what others earn, and then they share the profits. They have never thought about making profits, but converting your losses into their profits! If you continue to deposit funds in the future, it will basically be like throwing meat buns at dogs and never come back!

This case is not an isolated one. Similar "cryptocurrency masters" are emerging one after another on the Internet. They take advantage of people's desire to get rich quickly and attract investors through false propaganda and promises of high returns. However, these "masters" often lack real investment ability and experience. They just take advantage of investors' greed and ignorance to seek personal gain.

So, how can we avoid becoming the prey of these "gurus"? First, we must keep a clear head and not easily believe in false propaganda and promises of high returns on the Internet. Before investing, we must fully understand and investigate the investment project and understand the risks and benefits of the investment. Secondly, we must improve our risk awareness and not blindly follow the trend of investment. In the investment process, we must remain cautious and rational and not be easily swayed by the so-called "gurus". Finally, we must learn to protect our rights and interests and contact relevant departments in a timely manner for help and support.

Cherish your family, investing involves risks!