#5月非农数据即将公布 #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓

I found a very contrasting phenomenon: the richer and the more elite people are, the more they like to use supplementary entertainment methods, such as fitness, running, and reading.

The poorer and the lower class are, the more they like to use consumption-type entertainment methods: such as playing cards, playing games, and chasing dramas. Never let yourself become that crazy mouse.

Low-level happiness depends on indulgence, and top-level happiness depends on self-discipline.

Reading is boring, but only by reading page by page can it be internalized into knowledge and generate wisdom; fitness is painful, but only by sweating drop by drop can a stronger body be built.

Dopamine can only bring a moment of joy, and the happiness brought by endorphins after suffering can have a lifelong sweetness.