$ENA at night the price rose above 1; I must say that anyone who buys for 0.7 and manages to sell for 1.03 is quite profitable. We will see further growth of this coin. I think yes. Maybe not up to 3-4 as they said before, but up to 1.4 and 1.5 it is quite likely. Of course I would like it to be even higher. In any case, we'll see. At the same time, keep an eye on the price $BTC , of course. And let the price drop by $WIF yes, our favorite WIF coins; We keep an eye on him constantly. And so it was already daytime, we were already drinking coffee, of course, and getting ready for the evening. Thank God for helping us maintain our thoughts and not tempt our hearts. Thank you for giving us hope for the best. And may peace come soon, amen.

#ethena #ena #Bitcoin #wif #saturn