Game sector exploded? Crazy NOT rose 5 times in 7 days?

Now it is the market of new coins, and the daily increase is 40% at any time. For example, NOT rose 491% in one week, nearly 5 times. This is incomparable to old coins, because the car is too heavy and it can't be as unbridled as new coins.

Speaking of this NOT, the team is still quite conscientious. Before the rise, they will tell everyone that I am going to rise.

On May 26, they attached such a copy on X. "Missed Notcoin? No, actually not."

Sure enough, after May 26, NOT was unstoppable and often had a big name on the list of increases. In just this week, the increase was nearly 5 times, which was quite crazy. The highest yesterday was 0.029.

If other teams did the same as him, I guess you and I would have been billionaires. Hahahaha.

NOT's madness is indeed in line with its own positioning, a viral Telegram game.

The game is based on the TON blockchain, and through a simple click mechanism, players can easily earn NOT tokens.

This new coin was launched on May 16, and it has only been half a month so far, and it is la la la. Its essence is to attract people's attention and create a wave of momentum. Its total market value is 12.923 billion yuan, which is still slightly worse.

However, X has a high number of fans, with 1.81 million fans, which is good for publicity. This coin is available on major platforms, so you can still be more assured.

This increase is a smoke bomb, and it is easy to lose yourself in the process of chasing highs. When you don't participate, you are very fomo, and when you participate, you are afraid to buy at the top of the mountain.

For the bull market, everything is not a problem. But if the market is not good, you have to be careful. $NOT

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