Original author: Karen, Foresight News

With the popularity of Notcoin and the token NOT rising fivefold in just 10 days, the Telegram mini-program game Hamster Kombat has become the next hot dot-dot game and will launch its products and tokens on the TON blockchain.

Participation address: https://t.

Since its launch at the end of the first quarter, Hamster Kombat has shown amazing growth momentum. Let’s first look at the brilliant performance of Hamster Kombat’s official social media. Twitter followers soared to 5.1 million in just three months, and the Telegram group followers reached 25 million. The YouTube channel broke the 10 million follower mark in just 7 days and now has 14.2 million followers.

According to the data released by Hamster Kombat officials in the early hours of this morning, Hamster Kombat has 78 million CEOs, 31 million daily active users, and 6.5 million players online at the same time. These data are enough to prove its strong user appeal and wide community influence.

What is Hamster Kombat?

Hamster Kombat is a Tap-to-Earn game that simulates the role of a cryptocurrency exchange CEO. Players collect game points by clicking on the hamster on the screen. At the same time, Hamster Kombat provides multiple ways for players to obtain rewards, and encourages players to unlock more rewards through community interaction and cooperation.

For example, you can earn extra points and increase the speed at which you earn points by purchasing and synthesizing special cards, signing in daily, following official social media accounts, and recommending friends.

Strategy is king: How to play Hamster Kombat?

In the Hamster Kombat game, the player's exchange level depends on the game points balance, with a total of 9 levels: bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, epic, legendary, master, and grandmaster. The game applet shows that there is also a Lord level (more than 1 billion points).

There are many ways to get game points, one of which is the simple and crude tap-tap method. Tap once to earn a basic point (which can be accelerated). The basic energy value is 1500 (you can get 1500 points by clicking), and the energy limit can be upgraded by consuming points. If all the energy is exhausted, you need to wait for the energy to automatically recover. There are 6 opportunities to "recover blood" instantly every day, but each use needs to be 60 minutes apart.

If you feel that clicking is too inefficient, you can also spend points to use enhanced functions. For example, in the Multitap function, each click can earn more points and save time; in the Energy Limit function, you can increase your energy capacity.

Of course, if you only know how to click, you probably won’t make long-term progress in Hamster Kombat’s adventure. In addition to clicking, Hamster Kombat’s main strategy also has a mining passive income mechanism, which requires collecting cards by purchasing or upgrading them. With these cards, players can increase their passive income per hour.

However, it should be noted that passive income is only valid within three hours after the player exits the game. After the timeout, you need to re-enter the game to continue mining. In addition, the cards also have a cooldown period. These settings greatly increase user stickiness and encourage players to return to the game regularly to continue mining and enjoy continuously growing benefits.

Recently, Hamster Kombat has also launched a synthesis card function. After synthesis, players can get very generous points rewards. The specific synthesis combination can change every day. You can guess it yourself or search it online. This function not only enriches the gameplay of the game, but also promotes interaction and cooperation among community members. In the future, Hamster Kombat plans to gradually increase the daily synthesis card bonus scale, so that players can enjoy the fun of the game while also getting more substantial rewards.

In terms of friend invitation rewards, for each friend invited, Telegram ordinary users can earn 2,000 points, Telegram Premium users can earn 25,000 points, and the invitee will also earn the same number of points. When the invitee reaches a certain level, the inviter can also unlock additional rewards.

You can also earn points by signing in every day. Within a natural month, the rewards for consecutive sign-ins will be higher. If you miss a sign-in, the sign-in progress will be reset and the sign-in rewards will be calculated from the beginning.

Hamster Kombat Roadmap

According to the Hamster Kombat roadmap, the project will release the basic game in February this year, add daily rewards and LVL levels in April, and start token TGE and add utility to tokens in July. Hamster Kombat will also add features such as Squad Kombat, skinning, and characters in the third quarter.

The official website shows that Hamster Kombat is about to release a white paper, and the official mini program also clearly states that an airdrop will be released.

Hamster Kombat is more than just a game

It is worth mentioning that Hamster Kombat is also committed to promoting the large-scale adoption and community building of Web3. In the Hamster Kombat YouTube channel, through Hamster Academy, the project will popularize basic concepts such as blockchain, exchanges, Bitcoin, TON, etc. in the image of a hamster, and will also synchronize Web3 market and news.

As Hamster Kombat says, Hamster Kombat is more than just a game, nor is it just about driving Web3 mass adoption, but about encouraging players to grow together, learn new things, make friends and build the largest and most tight-knit community.

Hamster Kombat also made it clear that it will not sell or embed ads in the game to maintain the purity of the game and the good experience of players.

The basic gameplay of Hamster Kombat is simple, direct and fun, allowing players to quickly get started and immerse themselves in it. The author has always believed that games and social interaction are the core driving forces for the large-scale adoption of Web3. Hamster Kombat is the practitioner of this concept, leading the dissemination and popularization of Web3 technology to a wider range of people through games.

Participation address: https://t.