Zhihu has millions of big guys speculating in cryptocurrencies, and the scheme is exposed for the first time on the Internet.

The recent 1818 Golden Eye report on the big complainer who shorted ETH has been widely circulated in the circle of friends and groups.

Let's talk about the hidden legal logic and specific process.

First of all, after being cheated, the big complainer must have reported to the police and did not file a case, so he asked for help from the media.

Golden Eye and other news media and the big complainer himself did not know the underlying logic of this routine at all. The host finally took the 9.24 announcement and told everyone that speculating in cryptocurrencies is prohibited and illegal. It can be said that the police uncle did not master this criminal method.

Let's talk about the process of this incident:


We simply call the operator of this scheme Cheng Qiqi, and the person who was framed is the complainer. This person runs a self-media on Zhihu, claiming to be a great god, and can lead novice retail investors to speculate in cryptocurrencies for free.

Brother Yuanzhong saw Cheng Qiqi's article on Zhihu and thought that this person was a great god. He wanted to cling to his thighs, so he added Cheng Qiqi as a friend and wanted him to guide him. He took out 400,000 yuan of capital, followed the operation on Binance, and signed an agreement with Cheng Qiqi.

The contract was signed throughout the process. Although it seems that the money earned is only 30% of the profit, Cheng Qiqi will bear half of the loss, and his orders can make hundreds of thousands of yuan. You can use the API interface or show it to you in person. You can verify that all positions are real at any time. Whether you are a new or old leek, you will definitely kneel down in front of such a powerful teacher.

There is a trust logic here:

I know that Binance is a formal large exchange. I trade with my money in my own exchange account. I will open any order you ask me to open, and I will open it at any time you ask me to open it. My account is also in my hands. I have complete control. You can't cheat me or steal my assets.

The second trust logic:

I signed a contract with you, and you can guarantee to give me half of my losses, which is 50%, which means you have certain strength. I bet that you have this strength, and if you make money, you will take 70% of my profit. What reason do you have to let me lose money?

The third trust logic:

Don’t buy altcoins, only do Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The trust is very strong here, and the scammer Cheng Qiqi also drove a Tesla to meet the big enemy offline, which directly maximized the trust.

The above shows that this complainer is a leek, and he knows it in his heart.

Wait? Tesla? ? ?

Cheng Qiqi, who has tens of millions of assets in the exchange, actually drives a Tesla modely???

Is consumption downgrade so severe now?

Tens of millions of assets use Tesla to show off?

I think back then, when I had only a few coins in my pocket, I had to rent a Mercedes-Benz S or above to meet netizens. . .

After meeting offline to sign a cooperation agreement and establish trust, and selecting victims, they are ready to start setting up a game to kill pigs.

Setting up the game:

At first, it was very smooth. The perpetual contract shorted Ethereum. Brother Yuzhong made 2000U in one order and gave Cheng Qiqi 1400U (70%) of the profit. So Brother Yuzhong increased his chips and the funds reached 400,000.

Afterwards, when Brother Yuanzhong operated the mainstream currency Ethereum, and only did Ethereum, and shorted in the bull market, Ethereum was also very powerful in the past few days, and it kept rising, and the position was forced to close, and he suffered losses. In the middle, Brother Yuanzhong felt scared and didn't want to do it anymore, so Cheng Qiqi made Brother Yuanzhong feel at ease.

"If your order explodes, I will pay for it all! Is that good enough!"

Full compensation for the explosion? Brother Yuanzhong's mentality came back at this time. After all, the big brother said so. As a small retail investor, what qualifications do you have to be petty?

The increase was 600,000, which was all Brother Yuanzhong's wealth. He borrowed usury with a high interest rate of 10%.

At this time, Cheng Qiqi felt that Brother Yuanzhong had too many questions and was too long-winded, so he decided to take Brother Yuanzhong's exchange password and Google verification code to operate in person.

In the first few days of Ethereum's explosion, Cheng Qiqi chose to take Brother Yuanzhong to short a hundred times, and threatened to have two queues of air forces to let Brother Yuanzhong see what strength is.


600,000 forced closing!

At the end of the video, the big victim said it was a scam, but he didn't know how it was done.

Your money was lost in the contract at the exchange, and there was no record of anyone transferring the coins out. The money was lost at the exchange, not cheated away by someone, and the police would not file a case. It's a simple reason that the money was not cheated by Cheng Qiqi. It didn't go into her wallet.

The TV station and reporters didn't know what was going on, and finally they could only take out the 9.24 announcement to tell everyone that speculating in cryptocurrencies is illegal... Speculating in cryptocurrencies is risky...

In fact, Cheng Qiqi was just a simple order taker. There's no way

Want to file a case? If you want to file a case, you have to explain clearly how the other party cheated you.How to write this case application.

What if Cheng Qiqi used this hedging method to deceive the other party into his account?

Because he earned 70% of the profit, plus the handling fee, it is 80%-90%. Cheng Qiqi opened a long order in a hedging way... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

No more words, if I continue, all the private equity bosses will come with knives

To learn more about the currency circle and cutting-edge information, pay attention to Tianmeng, Junyangli publishes market analysis every day, and recommends high-quality potential currencies

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