After the United States approved the Bitcoin ETF, it first ushered in a bull market, and then the Ethereum ETF was passed. After Trump raised the banner of encryption, a cryptocurrency wave swept across the United States.

Even Robert Kennedy Jr. said that he has bought 21 bitcoins since he started running for president.

Considering that both Trump and Biden are also paying attention to this direction as mentioned in yesterday’s article, I can’t figure out whether this is a campaign for the US presidency or a campaign for the throne of cryptocurrency.

So in this era, what will the market look like and what opportunities will emerge?

Regarding Bitcoin, Ju Zuo has expressed his views before. With the influx of more institutional investors, the structure of holders has changed. On this basis, Bitcoin is more like a long-term financial product for high-net-worth individuals rather than an investment product suitable for ordinary people.

Especially in the United States, which advocates consumerism and pay now and pay later, young people really don't have much cash flow and savings.

So the BTC is dead in the title means this:

BTC is already the BTC of the elite, it no longer belongs to the common people.

And in the future, ordinary people will increasingly be unable to afford it.

Apart from those who got the chips at very low prices in the early years and have the diamond hands now, most individual investors' Bitcoin positions are actually not very high.

But around the world, enthusiasm for cryptocurrencies is just beginning to take off.

No one will buy a full position in Bitcoin just because it is valuable, especially for ordinary people whose deposits are below $10,000.

Therefore, a currency that is suitable for the general public, affordable, and has room for imagination has become a stronger necessity.

Speaking of this, there is a word in everyone’s mind: MEME coin.

Whether it is the earliest doge, the current maga, or the former people and pepe, you will find that the track that has been able to create myths in recent years has never been L2, any new public chain, and various so-called dazzling new concepts, but just one word, MEME.

The MEME coin track is based on consensus and its principles are extremely simple. It seems that it will not be favored by capital and academics because they think it is low.

But for so many ordinary people around the world, we don’t seem to care about the use of so many public chains, nor do we care about the significance of connecting thousands of chains.

I only care about whether the idea behind this matter can impress me and whether I can get any reward from it.

Besides, what institutions, what market makers, what project parties, what media, what KOLs, you all just want to make money from me, and you just call us in as the last liquidity.

But MEME is different.

Especially the fair launch meme.

Ju Zuo calls it an anti-elite social practice.

It does not focus on project background, but rather on consensus.

It does not require financial strength, because the players will carry it forward.

It does not need to be endorsed by any institution, because the advocacy is the best endorsement.

Just like YOLO in previous years—You Only Live Once.

You only live once, why do you care so much?

Why do you always go around in circles in the territory designated by others?

Can't you cross the line once? Can't you live for yourself once?

Are you yourself, or a predetermined NPC?

Everything, MEME has the answers you want.

This is why Ju Zuo believes that MEME is immortal.

No matter how big the industry will develop in the future, as long as there are new people coming in and MEME has a sustained wealth-creating effect and can give ordinary people the opportunity to change their class, MEME will continue to be popular.

Just like the immortality of death in The Three-Body Problem.

In fact, in essence, Bitcoin is the largest MEME and the most successful MEME.

This is an opportunity, a fair opportunity for everyone.

Whoever's MEME can touch people's hearts and play the role of calling, rallying and spreading will achieve great success in this project.

The problem is how to tap into these potential needs in human nature.

Of course, in the Chinese context, there is a word that means something very close to MEME - tugou.

But Jupiter doesn’t think MEME=country dog, so don’t lower the grade of MEME.

Or to put it this way, MEME can be a local dog, but not all local dogs are MEME.

Because the life cycle of MEME is much longer than that of a single-wave local dog.

A good MEME can last for a very long time, while some memes can’t even survive for five minutes. This is completely different.

In summary, Bitcoin is no longer suitable for ordinary people because the holder structure has changed a lot, while MEME will have great opportunities in the future.

BTC is no longer the people’s BTC, but MEME is still the people’s MEME.

What do you think?