Don't go to a fake exchange. Many so-called teachers will let you register on the same platform as an exchange to guide you to trade for free. That is, registering on a fake exchange allows him to get rebates and guide you for free😂In fact, you think he is eating your rebates, but in fact he is eating your principal. Except for Binance and Yiyi, other exchanges are almost all fake exchanges now, and no veteran in the cryptocurrency circle will trade on such exchanges. For example, if I have tens of millions of U, you tell me not to put it in Binance, do you think I can rest assured?⁉️By the same token, if the teacher who guides you is a qualified expert in the cryptocurrency circle, do you think he will use a fake exchange😂

Remember that those who ask you to register for a small exchange and then guide you for free are all scammers, and will eat up your principal together with the small exchange 😂 And if you want to find a teacher to guide you, you either have to pay VIP or follow the real account, like us, there is both VIP and real account, there is no free lunch in the world of knowledge payment, even if it is not a fake exchange, these people who eat your rebate and guide you for free, your profit and loss have nothing to do with him, why should he guide you to make money, he just eats your transaction fee‼ ️

Second, why would a capable trader be free to guide you? You can see that I give you the points and directions for free on Binance. That's because I have tens of thousands of fans and I can post an article for tens of thousands of people to read at the same time for free. But if you let me guide you one-on-one, can I do it for free? My trading is so profitable and my time is so expensive. Do you think I can do it for free? Knowledge payment, capable traders like me can be kind enough to post articles for free to give you precise points to place orders. In fact, whether you come to follow my orders or not, you can see that my free articles are basically profitable. But if you let me guide you, I must charge money, because people's time is valuable. This is a respect for my time and a guarantee for your assets. In all aspects, whether it is free articles or one-on-one, I can say that I have a clear conscience and am worthy of everyone. In essence, I am very disgusted by those bloggers who let fans register for commissions under the guise of free guidance. If you are a bitch, don't set up a memorial.