📢Good news! EthSign officially announced the launch of SignPass! 🎉This is an on-chain verifiable ID that is compatible with the existing passport system, providing convenience for the community. 🌐

SignPass credentials will be cryptographically registered on the chain through the Sign Protocol, and even permanent residency in Sierra Leone can be registered on the chain. 🔐Each holder will receive a physical ID card that meets the standards of ICAO Machine Readable Passports (MRP) and provides a unique QR code linked to the blockchain record. 🆔

Anyone who needs to verify the validity of their SignPass can scan the QR code. 🔍This system not only ensures security and transparency, but is also designed to integrate smoothly with international passport standards. 🌍This is another big step in the practical application of blockchain technology. Let us look forward to more innovations and breakthroughs together! 🚀