Recently, it has been reported that many users of platforms have had their assets hacked and transferred. However, most of these are because users leaked information when using certain websites. Hackers used some technology to obtain users' information, and then transferred users' assets after some tricks! So in the field of cryptocurrency, how can we protect the security of our assets? Here are some points for reference! 1. Choose a reliable trading platform: ensure that it has a good reputation, security measures and regulatory compliance. 2. Use strong passwords: and change them regularly to avoid using simple and easy-to-guess passwords. 3. Enable two-factor authentication: such as SMS verification code, fingerprint recognition or facial recognition. 4. Keep private keys properly: This is the key to controlling assets. Consider using secure storage devices such as hardware wallets. 5. Stay vigilant: do not easily believe strangers' investment advice or click on suspicious links. 6. Back up wallets regularly: prevent data loss from causing assets to be irrecoverable. 7. Pay attention to security information: stay informed of possible security vulnerabilities and risks. 8. Diversify your assets: Don’t concentrate all your assets in one place.

9. Pay attention to network security: Use a secure network environment and regularly update your equipment and software.

10. Understand the platform’s security mechanisms: such as fund custody, insurance and other measures.

The above content is for information sharing only and does not constitute any investment advice!

Investment is risky, so be cautious when entering the market!

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