Tuesday, June 4, Bitcoin morning market insights

It is a new beginning again, time keeps flowing, and every starting point makes me full of expectations, as if standing in front of the door of endless hope, ready to knock on the unknown excitement.

Bitcoin failed to stand above 70,000 after a round of highs yesterday, and the market fell again. It also rebounded after touching the 68,600 area in the early morning. It is currently running in the 69,200 area. In yesterday's market, it was long first and then short, and both achieved good results. For the current market, the short-term trend is slightly stronger, and the operation is treated with a low-long idea!

In the daily trend, the previous retracement to the middle track area failed to effectively break down, and all gave a certain rebound space. As the low point gradually moved up, the trend gradually emerged. The 4-hour performance showed a bottoming out and rebound. The market rebounded from the lower track to above the upper track today, and went through a round of continuous trend. The short-term gave a negative line and then stepped back to the positive again, which is the process of stepping back and repairing after the high, and the repair continued to rise. It can be seen that the long position still has continuity, so the short-term operation is mainly based on the low-long idea.

Bitcoin morning personal recommendation is to go long around 69000-68500, and the target is 70500-71000

Ethereum morning personal recommendation is to go long around 3750-3730, and the target is 3850-3900

In the world of trading, we are all lonely travelers. The fluctuation of the market is like the ups and downs of life, full of challenges and opportunities. Every decision is a test for yourself; every transaction is a reward for hard work; every investment is the tuition for growth. #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #MegadropLista #美众议院通过FIT21法案 $BTC $ETH $BNB