From the overall trend, the market still fluctuated within the range last night.

U.S. stocks opened higher last night, driving Bitcoin and Ethereum higher together. Then came the news that the share price of Buffett's subsidiary plummeted, and many stocks on the New York Stock Exchange plummeted and were suspended. Then the market plummeted at the same time.

From the perspective of this round of decline, Bitcoin still maintains a relatively optimistic level. The four-hour level continues to be supported by the MA60 moving average. Here we can see that after the price stabilizes on this moving average, the price will fall to the vicinity and the market will rebound. So here we can see a short-term Strong support in the future

From the perspective of Ethereum's trend, the overall trend is still within expectations. The upper strong pressure is 3850, and the lower strong support is 3720. In recent times, the market has been moving around this range. Yesterday, the idea and the entry point were given in advance. Friends who entered the market at 3720 can still make money

So from the current trend, after the price is supported by the bottom, the price will rise to a certain extent in the white market. You can pay attention to the suppression situation on the upper side and choose to short sell. When you reach the support point below, you can open more and treat it as a shock trend!

The upper short-term pressure of the big cake is around 69800-70300, and the support below can pay attention to 69100-68500. If the market does not break through, do it around this range!

Ethereum is temporarily suppressed at 3782-3805. Here, it is suppressed by the four-hour MA30 and MA60 moving averages, as well as strong suppression near 3850. The price of Ethereum has been strongly suppressed here recently. The support below can be focused on 3750-3720. When the price falls to here, it will often rebound!