According to Odaily, Galaxy Digital, a company led by Michael Novogratz, has announced the tokenization of a Stradivarius violin owned by Yat Siu, the co-founder of Animoca Brands. The violin, which was crafted in 1708 and is worth approximately $9 million, was once owned by Catherine the Great of Russia.

Galaxy Digital stated that the tokenization of this iconic instrument, renowned for its unparalleled craftsmanship and long history, signifies a significant advancement in the application of blockchain technology in unlocking the value of unique real-world assets. The company also revealed that Siu will use the tokenized violin as collateral for financing in the Galaxy Global Markets business.

This move by Galaxy Digital highlights the growing trend of tokenizing physical assets, allowing them to be traded and owned in a digital format. It also underscores the potential of blockchain technology in transforming the way we perceive and handle valuable assets.