📣Blockchain News Express: Kaiko's latest market analysis report shows that Mt.Gox cold wallets transferred 141,000 BTC to new wallets last Tuesday, worth about $92 billion💰, in preparation for the creditor repayment deadline on October 31. The move triggered market selling pressure, with BTC cumulative trading volume delta of negative $120 million, and more sellers than buyers.

🔍In-depth analysis: After the first transfer of Mt.Gox wallets, trading activity increased significantly on May 28, with hourly selling activity significantly exceeding buying activity, causing Bitcoin's CVD to fall sharply. Mt.Gox will repay creditors in BTC, BCH and fiat currency, and it is still uncertain whether creditors decide to sell their holdings.

🔮Market Outlook: BTC and BCH market depth has increased by about 30% to the level before the FTX crash, which may help ease price fluctuations if the sell-off occurs soon. However, BCH liquidity is significantly lower than BTC, with an average daily depth of only 3.5% of BTC. If creditors sell assets, Mt.Gox repayments may have a significant impact on BCH. We remain optimistic about Bitcoin!