Recently, there have been frequent security incidents concerning exchange accounts, and there are signs of upgraded attack methods. In response, Huobi HTX reminds all users to pay attention to ensuring the security of exchange accounts, always have a sense of security, and avoid asset losses. Huobi HTX has always attached great importance to user asset security. In addition to corresponding security risk reserves, the Huobi HTX security team will also upgrade security prevention and control in real-time in response to changes in hacker attack methods. Please note the following two points before using: 1. Before using Huobi HTX on a mobile device, ensure the security of the mobile device, do not install third-party untrusted APP programs at will, and download the Huobi HTX APP from regular application stores and official channels. 2. When logging in to the Huobi HTX exchange on a PC, pay attention to the security of the PC device, install necessary anti-virus software, do not easily install third-party untrusted applications, and do not easily install untrusted browser extension plugins, etc.
