Brothers, this is terrible. Trump is in big trouble again. Last Thursday, Trump became the first former president in American history to be sentenced because of the "hush money case." Everyone thought that his election was over, but unexpectedly, the plot ushered in a new reversal.

First of all, Trump's approval rating has increased instead of decreased. After the verdict came out, Trump's election fundraising website was crowded with supporters, and in less than 12 hours, the fundraising reached 250 million RMB. Did you see it, brothers? Fans in the crypto circle are so arrogant. They can speak with money and never talk nonsense.

Secondly, the verdict also attracted the support of a number of billionaires such as Musk and Ackman. Musk even wrote on X: "If a former president is found guilty for such a trivial matter, motivated by politics rather than justice, then anyone could face a similar fate."

Brothers, please note that Musk said "such a small matter", what does it mean? It means that in the eyes of the top leaders, this is just a trivial matter that is infinitely magnified in order to suppress competitors. Therefore, it can be judged that this judgment is a piece of cake for Trump, the King of Understanding, and it is likely that it will be left unresolved in the end.

As a result of this incident, Trump may gain both fame and fortune, eventually win the election, and have a spark with Musk. Just imagine what kind of chemical reaction will happen when these two crypto giants collide? That picture is too beautiful to watch!

Back to the macro level, the European Central Bank may cut interest rates for the first time this Thursday. Once the European Central Bank starts cutting interest rates, the watershed of the entire Western monetary policy will be opened, and the "great war" among global central banks will also begin.

The ECB's interest rate cut directly affects the eurozone economy and thus the global financial market, triggering a global wave of interest rate cuts. Interest rate cuts themselves are an important means to stimulate economic growth. The ECB has taken the lead, and the Fed's interest rate cuts are not far away.

There is another big news this Friday - the release of the beautiful May non-farm data. As an important data released in the first week of each month, the non-farm data is an important reference data for the Federal Reserve's monetary policy adjustment. Its expectations will directly affect the strength of the US dollar and the timing of the interest rate cut.

Therefore, the movements of big funds this week are waiting for the arrival of the above two pieces of news. If the European Central Bank cuts interest rates and the non-agricultural data performs well, then Tangren boldly predicts that we will see more than 5,000 concubines in June.

Finally, let’s talk about the not that took the circle by storm last week. Last week, the price of not was around 0.0091, and an ambush began within the Tangren community. It increased six times in a week, shocking everyone and driving the entire network crazy.

Yesterday, not even reached a high of 0.029. Now the whole network is asking if not can still get on board? Tangren’s answer is: No.

First: Prices soared too high and too fast, more and more retail investors participated, risks gradually increased, and the price surge was clearly an act of market manipulation, which was not a normal healthy trend in the market.

Second: After being online for half a month, NOT’s market value has entered the top 40, reaching 2.9 billion US dollars. How much room do you think it has for growth? Can it reach the top 30?

Well, assuming it can, based on yesterday's highest point of 0.029, if it rises another 10%, it will reach the 30th place in market value. Is it really worth taking the risk for this 10% space?

Be bolder, NOT can make it to the top 20, just double it. Do you dare to get on board? Is it worth getting on board? What will you do if you are stuck with a high probability of doubling your profits?

Look at Pepe, which is now ranked 20th. It took it a year and a half to get to that position, not just half a month. So whether it is in the top 30 or the top 20, there is not much room for growth. If you rush to buy at a high price, there will be no other outcome except to take over the position.

Third, the technical side of the 4-hour and daily lines have both increased in volume. Do you understand? The increased volume means the main force is selling. Once the main force sells, you can figure out what will happen next.

Final conclusion: Stay calm! Brothers, sometimes you think you have missed a chance to get rich, but in fact you just missed a ruthless harvest. There is nothing to worry about. Only by staying awake enough can you survive, and only by surviving can you have a future. After all, there is never a lack of opportunities to make money in the crypto circle, but what is lacking is the principal.

In a bull market, what to buy and how to buy it are important, but when to sell is more important. If you want to grasp more news interpretation and decision-making, please follow me and leave a message below the article. Tangren will play in the crypto circle with you.

Tangren's interpretation of the market:

Cake: Cake's daytime trend is mainly based on a fluctuating upward trend, but it has not yet touched the four-hour line pressure level of 69500. Whether the market will reverse needs to be confirmed. The market will fluctuate in the range of 68000-69000 for a period of time. After the adjustment, the short-term wash is basically over, and a new round of market will begin. The upper pressure level is 70800 and the support level is 67500.

Auntie: The market of Ethereum during the day is consistent with our morning report forecast, mainly moving back and forth around 3800. The four-hour line still failed to get out of the bottom pattern. The market will continue to fluctuate around 3800. The upper pressure level is 3950 and the support level is 3730.

In terms of copycats: GAMEFI sector has pulled a wave of market today, MEME sector is still the most active sector, but MEME sector has recently seen a large outflow of funds, and there are signs of funds flowing into GAMEF and SOL. Partners with heavy profitable positions can reduce their positions appropriately. The W and ACE that we ambushed in the early stage have both increased by more than 20%, and we can continue to get the target position, and continue to focus on the MEME and SOL ecosystems and

Tangren talks about strategy:

Since short-term strategies are time-sensitive and the market changes rapidly, many strategies need to be followed up and adjusted in a timely manner. Therefore, you can leave a message below the article to communicate.

The latest community strategy: ACE has increased by more than 20%, just continue to get the target position. Due to timeliness, the target was not announced in the article. Next, we will continue to focus on MEME and SOL ecology.

Strategy 1: Ambush W on May 18, entry price is 0.56, current price is 0.659, the increase has reached 20%, continue to observe, hold tight, target price is 0.8.

Strategy 2: (New) On May 20, ambush wld, entry price 4.8, current price 4.8, continue to hold patiently, short-term target 8.5, long-term target 21.3.

Tangren will announce other strategies at any time. Due to the time limit of the article, everyone needs to take the initiative to obtain the daily real-time strategy. If you are interested, follow Tangren and leave your ideas in the comment area. Let’s play and make money in the crypto circle together.

The essence of Tangren's trading strategy: the first step is to determine the trading cycle, the second step is to confirm the trading direction, and the third step is to formulate a trading plan. The plan must clearly state: where to enter, why to enter, how much to enter, how to exit, where to exit, and why to exit?

What should you do if you get the market right? What should you do if you get it wrong? If you don’t understand the market, don’t give yourself problems.

Each of my plans includes three predetermined results: exit with a stop loss, exit with a breakeven, and exit with a profit. Regardless of the result, I will review and summarize the gains of this plan after the plan is completed.

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