Market Analysis

$BTC : The trend of Bitcoin is in line with our judgment last week. In the short term, it is mainly weak and volatile. However, starting from June, the market should gradually show some upward movement, but don’t expect too much. The real bull market will be in Q4 and 2025, so during this period, buy at the lowest cost and hold for growth. At the cottage level, pay more attention to the game track. At present, funds are flowing into the game track. Some low fdv listed on binance still have the opportunity to be discovered by the market and hyped.

$ETH : Ethereum basically followed the market over the weekend, but there were still some unexpected events. For example, Ark Wood suddenly gave up the ETF application, saying that compared with BTC, the ETF still needs to be evaluated. This still has a certain impact on Ethereum. However, Ark launched it, and its partner 21shares will continue to apply for the ETF, and has also submitted a revised S-1 document. The current market expectation is that the S-1 will be passed at the end of June or early July, and then the ETF will be listed. However, this time the ETF has no pledge and Grayscale ETHE will have a large amount of ETH to dump into the market, so the market may not continue to rise after the ETF is listed, but because of the ETF expectation hype throughout June, there should be another good market trend.