FTX Sold Artificial Intelligence Stock Worth $450 Million!

Bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX sold $450 million worth of artificial intelligence shares.

FTX sold its remaining 15 million shares in artificial intelligence startup Anthropic at $30 per share, generating net proceeds of more than $450 million. FTX invested $500 million in Anthropic before the bankruptcy. This investment left a profit of 1.3 billion dollars over the years.

Stating that the ongoing bankruptcy court has caused a cost of more than 700 million dollars, the FTX front announced that they are turning to share sales to cover these expenses.

The largest buyer of FTX's Anthropic sale was global venture capital fund G Squared. The company purchased about a third of the remaining shares, 4.5 million, for $135 million.

Shares are for informational purposes only

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