6.3 Ethereum midday market analysis and operation ideas

Ethereum's lowest price fell to 3753 in the early morning today, and then began to rebound. It also just reached the Ethereum long order entry position given in the early morning, 3765. The current price is running near 3840. From the perspective of daily technical indicators, the KDJ technical indicator and the MACD technical indicator are in the long resonance stage, and the BOLL technical indicator is in a continuous rise. At the same time, the MA three-day moving average maintains a long rise arrangement. However, from the perspective of the Ethereum weekly gap, there is still a gap of 200-300 dollars. After this gap is fully filled, the price of the currency is likely to go above 4000.

From the 4-hour technical indicators, the KDJ technical indicator is bullish and the MACD technical indicator is double-line downward. The ultra-short-term BOLL technical indicator is running in the middle track area. At present, the ultra-short-term Ethereum price has basically stabilized above the MA5-day moving average and the MA10-day moving average and maintains the green TD2 bullish structure arrangement. Therefore, the intraday trading idea today is still mainly based on retracement and long positions. For specific points, please refer to the tips given during the early morning.