Today is Monday, and it is also the first working day of June. I wish everyone who holds coins will see an increase in value in the new month! Today I will chat with you in words. It is just a prose, but it is also a psychological dynamic of looking at the phenomenon in the near future!

Now I have really developed a habit of paying attention to various dynamics every morning when I wake up. In the past, I would check the market first when I woke up; now it is not the case. After checking the market, I will immediately browse the news I missed during the few hours I was asleep, including the various social networks I am in. I will also quickly browse the group content, so that I can quickly know what the market is telling me. So far, it seems that the transformation has been successful!

It seems that I have successfully transformed from a trader to an information middleman. Of course, I can also call myself a disseminator of information!

From the perspective of the sub-field of communication, you don't really care about the consequences, because the more explosive the news you spread and the more you pronounce it in the blink of an eye, the more traffic you will get.

So you see that whenever someone tells you a project that can increase the revenue by 100 times or 1,000 times, you will click on it successfully. This is also called the traffic code. If you don’t believe it, you can try it yourself. I mean anyone!

The current era of information fragmentation is also a kind of information decentralization. E-commerce has broken the myth of centralized gold stores. Although the traffic seems to be there, the transaction volume is actually no longer what it used to be. The spread of short videos has made news not just for journalists. No matter what the profession is or what the vertical is, there will always be a group of scattered fish swimming over.

In fact, blockchain + self-media will definitely become the next hot spot. At present, a trend has been formed, and it is spreading like wildfire.

"It's a big step, but also a small step"!

The communicators we saw in 2021 are what we call bloggers. Many of those KOLs were indeed bigwigs. The cryptocurrency circle was more centralized at that time, and news was overflowed from the top-down pyramid structure. In fact, it is much better now. The market allows more people to participate in the spread of news, which is a big step forward from a fair perspective!

However, any field will lose its professionalism when it starts to flatten. However, the tide will eventually wash away the sand. This phenomenon will be polished into what it should be in the near future. Because it will eventually grow into what the market wants! From the perspective of vertical and segmented fields, it is indeed just a small step!

What KOL told you a hundred times or a thousand times, is it true?

"Of course, it's true and false!"

In the bull market of 2021 or even earlier, no matter what you buy, it will soar. You will either sell it or be on the way to sell it. That is why a business with a market value of only hundreds of billions can leap to trillions in a short period of time.

Therefore, what kol said is indeed true, more real than real gold!

Let's take a look at the current bull market again. Even though the bull market is only halfway through and the other half is not over yet, which coin has increased by a hundred or a thousand times? Even if we start from before the mainnet is launched, it is rare, right? This bull market that people often talk about must be unprecedented and different from the previous one. In a sense, each time is actually the same, rising for 3 years and falling to the bottom in one year. It is indeed different. In the past, several mainstream exchanges combined only had 1-2000 projects sharing a trillion-dollar market value. Now these few exchanges have more than 6000+ projects. The market value is still the same, so how can the price still be the same?

Therefore, what KOL said is nothing more than a means of attracting traffic by casting a hook and making a nest. It is fake, even faker than a rockery!

Anyway, the bull market is still there, and there will still be plenty of opportunities as long as the target is good enough. But where do your opportunities come from? If you just follow the crowd and don’t have any habit of understanding the project, it is definitely not enough to rely on luck in investment. Listening to a few KOLs is not enough either.

The best way is - what if you regard yourself as a KOL? If so, blockchain + self-media will definitely be the outlet in the future, and everyone will be a project manager!