2- Diversifying Investment Instruments and Dividing Risks

If you read the first part, you understand how much of our money you should invest in crypto. Now, how to divide the money we will invest in crypto. Here again, investment types vary depending on large investment and small investment. If you are going to make a purchase with 10% of your monthly salary, you can invest in 2 separate coins at a time. Proceed by investing in different coins in the following months, making sure that you have no less than 5 coins in your basket. Investing in a single coin is risky, no matter how confident you are.

Our first rule for people who will invest in crypto money with 30% of their savings is to divide the money into 3. So, for example, you will make an investment of 3 thousand dollars. Divide the money into 3, determine the coins from the first part and invest in at least 5 coins. For example, if your basket has lost more than 25% value, you can put the second item, and again if it has lost 25% value, you can put the 3rd item. I do not recommend investing less than 10 coins for investments of 5 thousand dollars and above. Now how should we invest with 1000 dollars, which is one third of our money? We must diversify not only in terms of coins but also on a project basis. #YapayzekaAI , #rwa , #DeFi , #layer1 , #Layer2 There are varieties you can invest in, such as GameFi. Don't make all your investment in one area. Because Taurus starts with hype and progresses with hype. For example, a news comes out and it is said that Microsoft has invested in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence coins begin to explode in sequence. Then, BlackRock announced that it wanted to invest in the RWA field. RWA projects exploded, Defi's and Layer2's, we proceed in a row. So the entire market does not rise at the same time. When we don't diversify, when the hype starts, people's coins increase 3-5x, while yours stagnate and you say you didn't make the right investment, sell what you have and spend it on those high investments. As their rally ends, the ones you sold begin, and the ones you sold are now making 3-5x, while the ones you bought have started to decline. To avoid this situation and keep stress to a minimum, we diversify our investments. And to protect our existence in case of a possible problem. In other words, there is no one in the market who does not know about the Luna case. I have seen people around me who lost millions of dollars. If all their investments were in a single coin, they would be bankrupt. Since they only risked 10% of the wallet for each coin, they were able to protect the remaining 90%.