Many find it unnecessary to read Square posts, some even mock them in their comments, but the truth is that all reading is useful.

It is not uncommon for us to read a post and even without agreeing with the opinion we get to know a new token that was unknown to us, we enter a stage of reflection for possible decision making.

And today, still lying in my bed, I look at the BINANCE app and see that I earned US$150 for just reading an article and deciding to invest.

I know that some will find the value derisory, and perhaps I will too, but it gives us a feeling of victory, of achievement, the certainty of having made the right choice.

Okay, I could come here and say I made millions like some do, but for what?

I would be equally happy if I had pocketed U$ 20 or U$ 30... it doesn't matter!

Understand that no reading is a waste of time, you will always finish reading with some learning, if not in the text, then in the comments, always with more information.

I wish you prudence and good business. 🙏