ONDO; RWA sector. Unilateral upward trend, the last unlock was on January 17, 25, with a market value of 1.88 billion US dollars. The operating team is in the United States, and the capital behind it includes large institutions such as Wall Street BlackRock

RON; Ethereum sidechain, public chain. The trend is very similar to AXS in the last bull market, with more gains and less retracements, and a market value of $1 billion. Linear unlocking of $1.17 million per day, relatively moderate, the operating team is in Vietnam, and the investment institution behind it is Axie

PYTH; second generation oracle. A wave of unlocking was just completed a few days ago. The daily level trend has bottomed out twice, and the W bottom is perfect. The latest unlocking was on May 18, 25. The current market value is 1.57 billion US dollars. The operating team is in the United States. The investment institutions behind it include Multicoin Capitl, Delphi Digtial and other investment institutions

AXL; cross-chain bridge. It fell to the weekly support level, and there is no more room for further decline. The linear unlocking is 463,000 US dollars/day. The current market value is 700 million US dollars. The operation team is in the United States. The investment institutions include polychain, Crypto.com Capital, Binance Labs and other investment institutions. #ONDO #RON #PYTH #AXL