@Everyone 6.2 weekend, btc eth trend analysis and operation suggestions,

The current price of Bitcoin is 68200 and Ethereum is 3808. The previous analysis expected fluctuations. It is still fluctuating here. It has been fluctuating for 5 consecutive days. Moreover, no new trend has been formed. The orders we have arranged have not eaten big meat. The key point here is the layout after the closing of tomorrow Monday! Because the monthly and weekly lines here need a lower shadow to lure the shorts and form an effective bullish strong trend! Bitcoin and Ethereum must be synchronized!

The general trend of Bitcoin will be analyzed for everyone after the closing tomorrow. Everyone’s recent focus is on the closing position of today’s daily line, so as to make an expected market after the closing! Then in the short term, the daily line of Bitcoin is also continuing to consolidate and accelerate the bulls. If nothing unexpected happens, the layout tomorrow will be to hang more at a low level and hang spot! Here, the short-term pressure level of Bitcoin is 69600 71500 and the support level is 67500 66500

Then for Ethereum, because it is slightly weakened due to synchronization, and the exchange rate of ETH to Bitcoin is a callback, it is correct here, so more operations need to wait for tomorrow's weekly closing position to make the expected plan for the monthly line, just like the 4.13 wave! See if it meets expectations! The short-term pressure level of Ethereum is 3880 3960 and the support level is 3710 36660, and then small coins should be operated according to the plan! #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #ETH投资