OXT: Pioneer of Online Privacy

What is the OXT token?

The token $OXT is the native crypto of the Orchid platform, a decentralized network designed to offer VPN services using blockchain technology. Launched in 2017, Orchid aims to create a more private and secure internet by allowing users to browse anonymously and bypass censorship restrictions.

How the Orchid Network Works

The Orchid network uses a decentralized marketplace model where VPN service providers can sign up and offer their services. Users can select these providers based on criteria such as location and services offered. This model is powered by the OXT token, used to pay for services and for staking, a process where providers must deposit a certain amount of OXT tokens to be selected and provide services.

Staking and Node Selection

Staking on Orchid allows providers to deposit $OXT tokens into an Ethereum smart contract. The more tokens a provider stakes, the more likely it is to be selected by users to provide VPN services. This mechanism incentivizes providers to maintain high quality service to attract more customers and generate more revenue.

Benefits for Users

By using OXT, users benefit from a secure VPN connection that protects their privacy. They can prevent the websites they visit and their Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from knowing their real IP address and physical location. Additionally, Orchid allows the creation of multi-hop circuits, increasing the difficulty for that a single provider can track user activities.


Orchid's $OXT token represents a significant step forward towards a more private and secure internet.
