Odaily Planet Daily News: As efforts to add new features through software upgrade codes continue to advance, the reputation of the Bitcoin chain as the main network supporting digital gold may change. Udi Wertheimer, OP_CAT supporter and CEO of Taproot Wizards, said in an interview: "In fact, you can execute smart contracts on the Bitcoin chain that are very similar to those on other chains. Bitcoin can become more powerful. Now is the time to discuss actual technical upgrades." The OP_CAT function was proposed by Ethan Heilman and Armin Sabouri in October and was recently launched on the Bitcoin test network Signet and assigned the BIP-420 number, indicating that the ecosystem is seriously considering upgrading it. Many well-known people in the crypto industry, such as Solana Labs co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko, added "BIP-420" to their usernames on the X platform. Taproot Wizards launched the Quantum Cats Ordinals series in February to promote OP_CAT. In April, Taproot Wizards released a white paper outlining a framework for building applications using OP_CAT. (Bloomberg)