I made 1 million U!!!

They told me that I was suspected of committing a crime? ? ?

I made a lot of money in the cryptocurrency circle. If I withdraw cash, will the bank ask about the source of the money?

I earned it honestly. I didn’t steal or rob. If you are timid, they will think that you got the money from the shady industry. Instead, they will make things worse and block your card a few times to scare you.

It’s okay. Go to a big bank and tell them if they ask. If they don’t ask, just withdraw it directly.

You are playing virtual currency, not issuing virtual currency to cut leeks. It’s okay.

Of course, remember that if you go to a big bank, the small bank may do something weird to you.

Of course, many people in the cryptocurrency circle are worried...

Are you afraid of freezing your card when you withdraw money?

Are you afraid of being cheated when you cash out?

Do you think there is black money everywhere?

If so, then you should read it carefully even if you don't have dinner.

Today, I will tell you thoroughly about the issue of frozen card withdrawal 123..... Collect and follow it, find a corner where no one is, and read it carefully.

There are so many scammers in the currency circle, especially when it comes to withdrawal. The routines are even more twisted, which makes you obsessed and dare not believe anyone.

The OTC merchant sells you a drug and says that his channel will never freeze the card. As a result, you receive a call from your uncle the next day.

The MasterCard seller gives you a poison and tells you that his card is safe, but you find that you have been charged an IQ tax.

There are even scammers who show their tricks and tell you that we will leave now. This is definitely money laundering, and they will catch you once you catch them.

Alas, it is too difficult to withdraw money, what can I do? Let's take a look slowly.

1. What is the reason for freezing the card in the currency circle?

Many newcomers believe what the scammers say to you, freezing the card is for the funds in the currency circle... Only newcomers believe this kind of brainless remarks. Anyone with a normal mind can search online for why the card is frozen? If you don't know how to use the Internet, you can spend some money to treat the bank receptionist to a meal, and I guarantee that she will explain it to you thoroughly...Okay, you don't have to treat me to a meal today, I will tell you why the card is frozen. As shown in the picture, in 2022, the country launched the "Card Cutting Operation" to prevent fraud, and the State Council's inter-ministerial joint meeting on combating new types of illegal crimes in telecommunications networks decided to launch a "Card Cutting" operation nationwide. Understand? In other words, the card freezing is not aimed at the currency circle, but fraud and money laundering. Obviously, the currency circle is a point-to-point transfer mode of cashing out. The bank certainly doesn't know that you transfer this money to cash out the currency circle. This is common sense.......So why freeze the card?

1. Bank internal risk control: The bank freezes the card because your card has not been used for a long time, abnormal flow, etc. trigger the bank's risk control system. In this case, it will generally be unfrozen automatically; or a staff member will contact you to explain the situation, just say that it is a cryptocurrency trading fund, nothing to do.

2. Judicial freezing: In this case, it is generally due to black money. There is no way but to cooperate with the uncle's investigation. Of course, the money is generally gone. Be sure to protect your privacy when depositing and withdrawing funds. Don't ask why... You know

2. How to solve the frozen card in the currency circle?

1. Bank frozen card: Explain the reason and ask it to unfreeze. If you are asked to go to the counter, go to the exchange to get a flow certificate before going

2. Judicial freezing: If the money is gone, just cooperate with the investigation. Don't believe the online claims of unfreezing, they are probably scammers

3. How to withdraw money safely in the cryptocurrency circle

If the funds are less than 1 million, the exchange can directly do OTC, generally there is no big problem, pay attention to the following points:

1. Find a pro merchant

1. Withdraw during the day

3. Withdraw in batches

4. Find a commonly used card

If the funds are greater than 1 million, as follows:

1. Go abroad (Japan, the United States, South Korea, etc.) where Bitcoin is legal

2. Open a large bank card in the local area

3. Register for a local compliant exchange (some do not allow domestic users to register)

4. Sell coins and withdraw to a bank card

5. Exchange currency and transfer back

But don't choose an exchange OTC

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