As soon as the PCE data came out, the market instantly became warm and blossomed!

The core PCE of the United States is exactly in line with expectations, and the interest rate swap market is as stable as Mount Tai. This news is like a shot of adrenaline for the market. It is expected that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates at least once in 2024, which is a great benefit to the market. Now the actions of the Federal Reserve are directly related to the money in our pockets. You see, as soon as the market sees that there is hope for a rate cut, it is immediately as happy as the New Year. Just like the MEME coin during the election, once expectations are formed, buying will swarm in. This wave of stability is like giving the market a reassurance, and everyone can feel at ease to lay out. Having said that, the impact of macroeconomic data on the Crypto market is quite direct. A rate cut means increased liquidity, and once there is more money, a part of it will inevitably flow into the cryptocurrency market. Big guys like PEPE and ETH will definitely perform well. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准