• Supporters attach messages such as "Code is innocent," "Supports freedom," and "Open source is a form of free speech that everyone deserves.""

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin donated about 1,113,000 #ETH worth $30 to the legal defense of Tornado Cash developer Alexey Pertsev and Roman Shtorm via decentralized fundraising platform Juicebox.

According to the network, transactions from an address associated with Buterin called vitalik. eth totaling about 55.30 million went to Juicebox's "Free Alexey and Roman" legal defense fund, which raised 595.82 ETH at 1:58 a. m. ET at 220 AM.

#Cryptocurrency veterans, including Buterin, have always advocated for privacy tools for the private management of crypto assets. Buterin has published numerous articles on improving Ethereum's privacy. Therefore, his actions are not surprising.

Other supporters showed solidarity by attaching encouraging inscriptions to their donations. Phrases such as "We support you," "Code is not responsible," "We support freedom," and "Open source is a form of free speech that everyone deserves" were written under their donations.

This isn't the first time Buterin has donated money to such a cause. In 2022, he donated £10,000 (valued at 30,980 yen at the time) to Juicebox's AssangeDAO legal fund, which supports Australian activist and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Tornado Cash is a privacy-oriented tool that facilitates anonymous cryptocurrency transactions. But because of its potential misuse, criminals have begun using it to launder, hack or steal funds. This illegal activity caught the attention of law enforcement, leading the U. S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) to impose sanctions on Tornado Cash between 2022 and 2028.

A year later, other developers, Roman Torm and Roman Semenov, were charged with facilitating the laundering of 10 billion yen, and Storm was arrested in Washington state.

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