The election concept MEME series is undoubtedly the largest white horse sector in the second half of 2024. PEOPLE is a well-deserved leader🐲

First, the current market sentiment is in a favorable position for the bull market cycle. Liquidity and investor sentiment in a bull market tend to drive the rise of MEME coins. And with the end of the primary election, the party nomination and national campaign will trigger a lot of controversial topics, think about Hillary's email gate and Trump's love affair. These controversies will inevitably bring traffic, and traffic means buying.

Secondly, Trump and Biden constantly mentioned the topic of cryptocurrency during the campaign and recruited MEME operations, which brought more attention to the crypto market. It is in this context that [PEOPLE], as a crypto-native MEME from the US Constitution, has a unique conceptual advantage. It is not only a crude ticket listed on Binance, but also has a market value of about 400M.

Controversial topics during the election will greatly increase PEOPLE's exposure and trading volume. Both Trump supporters and Biden opponents may use PEOPLE as a way to express their political stance.

With the possible passage of the Decentralization Act, which stipulates that no more than 20% of voting rights can be held, this is a great boon to the DAO series. As part of the DAO, PEOPLE is expected to benefit from this policy change. The market potential should not be underestimated. PEOPLE has a unique position on Binance. It is the smallest MEME coin on Binance and has great room for growth. In contrast, TRU is the smallest RWA on Binance. They are both DAOs. This unique positioning gives PEOPLE greater market potential.

Finally, with Trump being found guilty, the political confrontation will reach a climax in the debate at the end of June. There is almost no other choice for political coins on Binance except PEOPLE.

In general, PEOPLE is a MEME coin with great potential. Since you know its potential, why don't you take action? Once the election heat comes and market sentiment is high, PEOPLE is expected to break through 0.2 or even higher. This is not just an investment opportunity, but also an opportunity to participate in history.

Young people, all in!

#people创新高 #meme板块关注热点 MEME Coin #大选概念 #DAO $PEOPLE