1. According to the current holdings

  1. Depth of order:

    • Take advantage of the rebound to get out of the market: When the market rebounds, you can choose to sell some or all of the locked-in currencies to reduce losses.

    • Reduce positions when prices rise: When the currency price rises to a certain level, appropriately reduce the position to avoid possible falling risks.

    • Open or cover positions at high prices: When the price of the currency rises, you can increase your holdings appropriately to reduce the overall holding cost. For example, if you originally bought 1 Bitcoin at 10,000, when the price rebounds to above 9,990, you can choose to buy again at this price to lower the average cost.

2. According to the trend status of the purchased currency

  1. In a fluctuating trend:

    • Once the downward trend is confirmed, stop loss immediately: When the currency price shows a clear downward trend and is not expected to rebound in the short term, stop loss decisively to avoid further losses.

    • Doubt and hesitation may lead to deep lock-up: During the transaction process, you must maintain clear thinking and decisive operations to avoid falling into a deeper lock-up due to hesitation.

  2. In the balanced oscillation trend:

    • No need to stop loss immediately: When the currency price is in a balanced oscillation state, there is no need to rush to stop loss, you can wait for the market to adjust itself.

    • Wait patiently for the high-level unwinding or exit the market when the loss is too high: When the currency price enters the high point of the oscillation cycle, you can consider unwinding; if the loss is too high, you should also exit the market decisively.

  3. In an uptrend:

    • No need to stop loss immediately: When the currency you bought is on an upward trend, you don’t have to rush to stop loss, you can hold it patiently for a while.

    • There may be greater profits: In an upward trend, holding coins and waiting for them to rise may bring greater profit opportunities.

In addition to the above methods, you can also consider the following strategies:

  • Locking position operation: in the same product, half of the position is bought and the other half is sold, and one side is closed and the position is covered after the market reverses. However, this method requires a certain amount of judgment and capital support.

  • Short hedging: shorting the same or related currencies in the contract market to reduce losses or achieve hedging. However, this method also requires capital and judgment.

  • Cut the Gordian knot: sell all the stocks held to avoid further losses caused by a unilateral price drop. This method is mainly suitable for short-term investors with speculative purposes.

Please note that the above methods of unwinding are for reference only. The specific operations need to be formulated in combination with market conditions and personal actual conditions. During the trading process, you should maintain a calm and rational mindset and avoid blindly chasing ups and downs and emotional trading.