The second half of the bull market in 2024 is about to begin. For newcomers who have just entered this field, I have a few suggestions, hoping to help you avoid some common misunderstandings and traps.

First, keep in mind the risks and do not easily get involved in contract trading. For newcomers, spot trading is safer because it does not involve high leverage and high risks.

Second, it is crucial to choose a trading platform. As a newcomer, it is recommended to only use well-known and reputable trading platforms such as Binance and OUyi. Avoid trading on small platforms to reduce potential risks.

Third, reasonable position management is the key to successful trading. Don't invest all your funds at the beginning, be reserved, and avoid putting yourself in a passive situation due to over-investment.

Fourth, emotional management is equally important. During the transaction process, it is crucial to stay calm and rational. When you see the price rise, don't rush to chase it; when you see the price fall, don't rush to cut your losses. Believe in your own judgment and don't be swayed by market sentiment.

Fifth, invest in currencies with valuable potential. It is a good strategy to ambush value coins at low positions. Even if you are temporarily trapped, you don’t have to worry too much. As long as you hold value coins and wait patiently, it is possible to get back your investment or even make a profit. At the same time, try to avoid investing in non-value coins because they often have higher risks.

Sixth, although the stories of getting rich overnight are tempting, we must remain rational. These stories are often just individual cases and cannot represent universal laws. We must have a peaceful mindset and don’t always think that good luck will come to us. I believe that through continuous learning and accumulation, you can also succeed in the digital currency market, slowly accumulate wealth, and eventually achieve financial freedom.

If you still encounter losses in transactions and cannot make profits after reading these suggestions, then you might as well go back and read them a few more times. Wealth is often hidden in these seemingly simple suggestions. As long as you experience and practice them with your heart, I believe you will be able to find your own path to success. Click on the image to find me and follow me.

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