There are many reasons why the poor cannot get rich, which can be summarized as follows:

1. The poor have too heavy family burdens, with elderly and children, and the elderly have no pension security, no medical insurance, and no money.

2. Many poor people have a narrow knowledge base and cannot understand the rules of the money game and business rules. They are easy to step on pits and dig pits for themselves in investment and operation.

3. The poor do not have too many learning opportunities and development opportunities. They can only exchange physical strength and time for money.

4. The poor's network of contacts is full of poor people, there are many negative energy people around them, and many of them are people with low mental ability.

5. Many poor people are instilled with too many wrong values ​​at birth, and their minds are full of subjective things.

6. Various rules of making money games in society have set thresholds, and the poor cannot enter. The poor are eliminated everywhere and they are not given the opportunity to become rich. The richer the bank is, the more money it can borrow. The poorer the money is, not to mention that the bank will not lend, even if you borrow money from friends, everyone will stay away from you.

7. The poor have a much worse growth environment, learning environment, knowledge, and pattern than the rich class since childhood, and they are not at the same starting line at all.

8. The poor always want to get rich quickly, and they are prone to quick success and instant benefits, which is counterproductive.

9. Many poor people can't resist the temptation when they have some money, and they also want to spend money like the rich, and they are drunk and indulge in money. As a result, the money is soon squandered before it warms up.

10. The poor believe too much in feelings, morality, and relationships, these superficial things, and cannot see the essence of interests and the real rules of society.

11. Many poor people cannot see the cost of time. They waste too much time on useless people and things, and they get old before they really develop.

12. The poor do not have the capital to try and make mistakes. When they encounter opportunities, they look back and forth and dare not bet, for fear of losing all their money and being unable to live.

13. The poor are deeply rooted in the continuation of incense, blindly have children, and are reluctant to invest money, energy, and time in education. They always think that they can develop without knowledge.

14. The poor do not think they have any problems and are unwilling to change. They think that everything they have now is caused by the country and others.

15. The poor cannot withstand the ups and downs of life. They cannot afford to pay back what they earn. Once they lose, they have no more capital, so a vicious cycle is formed.