You can spend months on binance and at best, you make x3 or x4

So far, after many ups and downs, we are still on x2 in 1 month on kongz from the moment i called it.

And yet, the journey haven’t even started yet, i am not posting this for you to go and buy it, nah, i don’t need that, but one day -not so far away- you will see me post again about this, and it will be in x10.

Call me a fool, call me a scammer, call me whatever you want now, as in the near future you will be ashamed to post anything about me :)

And i am not going to delete any comments made on this just as i never did on previous posts.

I never loose a challenge, even if it takes me days or months or years, and no matter how much effort it takes, this is the gift god has given me.